Money, money, money.
Makes the world go around, maketh the man, is the root of all evil. We have been told all manner of things about this most crucial of resources and love it or hate it, the fact is we cannot do without it.
But sometimes no matter how hard one works at their career, profession or business, they just cannot seem to make the commensurate cash they seek. They apply themselves to exhaustion and still remain in debt, overwhelmed by daily expenses and unable to keep any meaningful amount of money for a certain time frame. It's like a never ending cycle.
Is this you? Fact is, this is most of us at some point or another if not often.
Read on if you would like to not only understand why this is the case but better still, how to solve this most frustrating of problems of being busy but broke.
Imagine you are at your home preparing for an important guest: it could be your dinner date, the in-laws, a long lost friend or even a very important dignitary. Whoever it is, I am sure you would go to great lengths to make your abode clean and guest-ready, from the decor to the hygiene to the food and itinerary for the day - you will invest in an experience to build a strong and continuous relationship with the said guest.
Money is no different. Money is a guest in our lives, none of us is born WITH money even if some of us are born INTO money. Money has to be invited, catered to and is always the compensation given for a perceived value. Money isn't merely the metal coins and paper, no - it is much more than that. Money is the entire experience and energy associated with cash before the numbers hit your bank account. And you must PREPARE for this experience.
You see, the reason a lot of people struggle to make money is not because they are cursed or unlucky, but rather because their mental home is not sufficiently prepared to welcome the guest known as Money. It's in the prior preparation of your mind, habits, schedule and environment that money finds a home to come to. Without that, trust me - you will struggle to call out to Money all day and she will conveniently ignore you.
Below are 10 essential practices for attracting money into your life. Failure to understand this is the reason many people entrepreneurs and professionals alike, remain broke:

1. Money Likes Order and Structure
Money thrives in environments of discipline and organization. When we manage our finances with clarity and foresight, we create stability and growth. Conversely, chaos and impulsiveness can lead to financial setbacks. By cultivating habits like budgeting, saving, and investing wisely, we harness money's potential to work for us. This structured approach not only fosters wealth accumulation but also cultivates peace of mind and long-term financial security.
Before we get money, we need to think, feel and act like we have money.
2. Money Requires Subservience
To amass cash consistently , one must respect and understand money's dynamics. By prioritizing financial literacy, prudent spending, and investing wisely, one aligns with money's principles. It's about knowing and following the money rules to leverage opportunities, secure stability, and achieve financial freedom.
3. Money Likes Singular Focus
By dedicating time, energy, and resources towards financial goals, individuals enhance their chances of success. This approach involves setting clear objectives, making informed decisions, and staying committed amid distractions.
4. Money Demands Sacrifice
Some obvious not so obvious things to do here: foregoing immediate gratification for long-term goals, investing time in learning financial strategies, and making disciplined choices. Sacrifice isn't merely about giving up; it's about prioritizing and aligning actions with financial aspirations.
Further - as an entrepreneur one must sacrifice things like comfort, a warm-bed, relationships, over-dependency and a conventional life to start making cash. This is true to varying degrees for non-entrepreneurs as well.
5. Money Likes Quality Sleep
An often overlooked fact is how quality sleep enhances financial success by improving cognitive function, decision-making, and productivity. Rest allows for clearer thinking and better stress management, crucial for financial planning and execution. Prioritizing sleep fosters resilience and creativity, essential for navigating challenges and seizing opportunities effectively. In essence, a well-rested mind is primed to maximize financial potential and sustain long-term success.
Stop late-night movie binging, switch off your devices. Sleep early, wake up early.
6. Money Likes Persistence
Persistence involves unwavering determination, resilience in adversity, and a relentless pursuit of goals despite setbacks. By persistently pursuing opportunities, learning from failures, and adapting strategies, individuals navigate challenges and gradually build wealth. It's this steadfast commitment that transforms aspirations into tangible achievements, ensuring sustained growth and prosperity in the long run.

7. Money Likes Cleanliness
This may come as a surprise to some of you but maintaining a clean body and environment actually promotes mental clarity, reducing stress and enhancing focus. This mental clarity is a key component in fostering healthy financial habits like organized budgeting and mindful spending. By prioritizing cleanliness in all areas of life, you lay a solid foundation for both personal well-being and financial success.
Think about it. How can you organize your finances when you cannot organize your space, clothes and body? Ever heard of the term: dress for success? Now you get it.
8. Money Likes Discipline
To consistently make money one must adopt consistent, deliberate financial habits for achieving prosperity. Just as discipline in exercise leads to physical health, financial discipline—through budgeting, saving, and mindful spending—builds wealth and stability.
It's not just about the practices. It is about doing these same practices CONSISTENTLY.
9. Money Likes Patience
Achieving genuine financial success necessitates time and persistence. Similar to the gradual growth of a tree from a seed, wealth is built through sustained investments, meticulous planning, and avoiding hasty choices. By practicing patience, you enable your wealth to increase and multiply, resulting in significant and lasting financial benefits.
Old money doesn't come quick.
10. Money Likes Planning
When you can and as soon as you can, invest in a financial coach or at the bare minimum Google their insights for free.
Seeking financial coaches and mentors can guide you in developing a solid financial plan, ensuring smart investments, and disciplined savings. With expert advice, you can navigate financial challenges and stay on track towards your goals.
About the Writer
Jan Okonji is an entrepreneur, speaker, coach, and Founder of the Pan-African accelerator BGS – Business Growth Solutions.
He is passionate about helping employees transition safely into entrepreneurship whilst turning their great ideas into profitable businesses and has helped entrepreneurs collectively grow their revenue to over $ 10 Million in the course of running BGS.