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How Fools Succeed: A Short Ai Story

There's a bunch of exciting online information surrounding Ai and how to use it effectively.

Barring Andrew Emory Tate, Ai seems to be taking over.

Every day there's a flood of information on the loose and yet, you only have one bow and one arrow to hunt with. You have extremely limited resources (time, focus, capacity) to take in all the love ChatGPT (or whichever other platform, but yeah mostly ChatGPT, if we are to be completely honest) has to give.

And the access to all this information is all quite heady and exciting but without a firm handle on things, it can leave you overwhelmed or in the I-will-just-wait-it-out-and-see category. Either place won't help you much, especially if you're a new entrepreneur revving to go.

Before we go further, if you're late to the party here is a quick overview of what Ai is, specifically Open Ai and yes, I'll dumb it down a few notches:

AI ( or Artificial Intelligence) is a field of computer science that creates machines that can perform tasks requiring human intelligence, like speech recognition and decision making. Think of AI like a super smart robot that can do things like talk to you, make choices and even play games!

OpenAI on the other hand, is an organization that makes Ai accessible to the masses. If Ai is the super smart robot, OpenAi is the super smart robot's brain surgeon, making sure the robot always does the right thing and doesn't take over the world. Kind of.

OpenAI uses some pretty fancy technology, like machine learning and deep learning, to help the robot solve problems and make the world a better place, through solutions to education, health, safety and numerous other facets of life.

Ok, enough of the technical talk...

So here are 3 steps to beat Ai information overwhelm and convert your passing curiosity into profitable creativity:

1. ACT THE FOOL. Go ape. Browse, explore, try, tweak, rummage, whatever word best suits that with Open Ai. Don't worry about poor content, what people will say and how bad the 'results' are. You're not gunning for perfection, you're learning with fun. Log into any of those Open Ai platforms and mess around. Find out how these things work by pressing every button to exhaustion. I'm serious. Get stupidly curious and leave the academic, technical airs at the door.

See how kids try all sorts of stuff with muddy puddles? Do that, get dirty. Become a child again with Ai. Satisfy your curiosity and don't be too proud to laugh at yourself.

2. ACT IN CONTEXT. At this stage you have an idea of how OpenAi works, how it can plug into your ordinary life, how you can use it to save time, money and maybe even get you more customers.

You. Have. An. Idea.

Now step away from all those Ai platforms and numerous YouTube rabbit holes, get into the real world and in your notebook jot down a framework for how the various types of Ai can work for you. Get granular- go into detail, have practical actions. Shelf what doesn't make sense or what's too grand at the moment, for the future and focus on the immediate contextualized uses you can immediately use with Ai.

3. ACT STRATEGICALLY. At this stage you probably have a consumer map with a direct line from your products to the OpenAi resources to the solutions, placement, offer, promotion and purchase. Yes ? No? That's still ok. Rome wasn't built in one day.

What you may not have but may REALLY require at this stage is: technical knowledge and skill.

Now the flood of online technical information on Ai makes sense. Now you can see the goldmine for what it really is. Now you can invest in a course or two that will move you from a mindless consumer on Ai platforms to an innovator on the same, possibly even providing you with a new Ai enabled source of income.

BUT it all starts with being a fool in the beginning, being silly enough to tweak, try and fumble and then gradually, patiently adjusting your approach towards something more specific and strategic.

Much love!


This post was originally meant for Valentine's Day, but who cares?

Also, this article was 100% generated by a human, me and no Ai was used in writing it at all. Though, finally, I must admit I used the Canva Text-to-Image Ai and edited the result from that in DALL-E-2, to create that opening dorky image of the lady and the robot for this article. Yes, those images are not real.

About the Writer

Jan Okonji is an entrepreneur, speaker, coach, and Founder of the Pan-African accelerator BGS – Business Growth Solutions.

He is passionate about helping employees transition safely into entrepreneurship whilst turning their great ideas into profitable businesses and has helped entrepreneurs collectively grow their revenue to over $ 10 Million in the course of running BGS.

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Victor Luti
Victor Luti
2023년 2월 01일


Jan Okonji
Jan Okonji
2023년 2월 01일
답글 상대:

Thank you, Victor !

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