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The Power of Consistency


In the 80s, there were only 3 Michaels: Jordan, Jackson and Tyson. No contest. No debate. Nada. That was it.

Mike Tyson opened up the World to boxing. In a quick, 1 to 3 minute Power Point of moving human viciousness he took out his opponents mercilessly. His work ethic, persona and overall brand were carefully constructed by the mythical boxing trainer Cus D’Amato and whereas he arguably wasn’t as legendary as the earlier greats, Tyson was undoubtedly a fascination to watch.

And now years later he teases us with the prospect of his return in the ring at the age of 53 and after 14 years in retirement!

What draws us to this sport and this man? I will tell you:

It is what draws any loyal customer to a powerful brand : the assurance that we will get what we pay for based on the commitment and consistent effort he has put into his craft, day in and day out. Consistency, consistency, consistency. It is an undeniable character trait that your very own competitors will admire in you.

How do you :

A. Develop a business story, colour, theme and personality that will stand out when introduced to the World? and

B. How can you consistently feed the sum total of that narrative to a niche client on a constant basis until it is engraved in their sub conscious, to the point that even when you return 14 years later, your clients are more loyal than ever and willing to buy whatever you have to sell?


Here are 6 BASIC steps to getting your business on it's consistency journey where brand identity is concerned:

  1. Use your logo and design elements consistently

  2. Develop a sales playbook template for your team that has a consistent communication script for clients

  3. Bring offline marketing events into your virtual branding efforts

  4. Select the right topics for your brand’s content calendar

  5. Keep your brand’s tone and personality consistent across channels

  6. Participate in platforms and events that align with your brand’s identity

There you have it.

This article is an excerpt from page 35 of my FREE E-Book : The Start-Up Survival Kit

Need more information on brand consistency? Download the book FOR FREE by clicking on the below image.



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